Effusions Of Wit: A Journey

I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived.”

~Henry David Thoreau~

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Love, In The Aftertimes: Phoenix Anthem

There are some who thrive on being cloistered away in the recesses of their home, or on some remote corner of the planet, miles away from the daily maelstrom of society. If they can order things delivered rather than face the crowd, or watch it from the comfort of their couch, they see no need…

Love, In The Aftertimes: The Turning Of A Page

Sunday was the perfect ending of a week, month, and year, all together. It was also fitting numerology—123123–because I wanted nothing more than to waltz out of the old and into the new. I do not look back on this past year with delight, despite there being small shimmers of joy amid the chaos. Honestly,…

Love, In The Aftertimes: The Me I See

Mirror, mirror, on the wall—who is still left, after it all? Me. Dear Reader, in today’s narrative, I’m fessing up to you that it’s been years since I have well and truly done what is right for me. I’ve gotten lost again, allowing the noise around me to take up real estate in my mind…

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